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Tag: space

Articles tagged as Space

Create a Great Computer Work Station in a Small Space

Posted on February 21, 2022 by Damion Poeling
Don't have another room you can designate as a home office? You can create a comfortable and functional computer work station in remarkably little space.A corner of your living room or bedroom, even a spare closet, can provide a lot of room.First measure the amount of space you can allocate for your work station.Then, begin to plan.You require a surface for your computer monitor or laptop, and space underneath for your hard disk...

How to Create an Ideal Kitchen

Posted on November 18, 2021 by Damion Poeling
The kitchen is one of the most significant places in the home.That is where your creative juices in your job producing your new dishes or pastries.Ideally there should be easy accessibility between the kitchen and the doorstep or main entrance of the home.This means simple delivery of your groceries and also simple disposal of waste and garbage.Ideally the cooker should be located as near as possible to the huge open air space or outside and yet within the boundaries of shelter from wind, rain and sunlight...